Each item has its own independent set of permissions. Changing the parent's permissions has no effect on the permissions of the child. This allows you to restrict access to the parent of this item, but still grant full access to this item, or vice versa. The most efficient way to use this permission system is to create groups and assign permissions to them. Then if you want to grant permissions to a specific user, you can add (or remove) the user from the appropriate group.
This item is owned by user: admin (Andy and Lorna Stangel)
This item has sub-items. The changes you make here can be applied to just this item, or you can apply them to all sub-items. Note that applying changes to sub-items will merge your change into the existing permissions of the sub-items and may be very time consuming if you have many sub-items. It's more efficient to grant permissions to groups and then add and remove users from groups whenever possible. Changes are applied to sub-items by default.